writing about love out of nothing at all..
She already has a boyfriend of 8 years. And why are they not married yet is because (according to the boyfriend) until he has enough money and he is waiting for the right time so that they can have the most memorable and perfect wedding ceremony
While in that process, workloads and responsibilities increased. The boyfriend has to go outstations most time, she is kinda busy too. As a result of that, they spent less and less time together. People around them started asking. Tension rose. Some very ‘considerate‘ friends starts to create stories of what her boyfriend might be doing while he is away. She got worried and suspicious. She confronted him, which end up with a mega feud.
She suggested that both of them have an open relationship. She stated if they’re meant to be together they will be together. The boyfriend sort of agree. Before making that decision, in a confused and upset mood, she found someone interesting. They became ‘passionate’ good friends. She begins to compare.
In every aspect her boyfriend has the best quality, the only things he don’t have is time, the new guy have all the time for her. She fell for the guy, no matter how odd his attitude is.. The new guy, explained that their relationship will go nowhere due to some circumstances he has to deal with. She insisted to give it a try. The new guy stand firm with his word. She has to do a lot of thinking and make a fast decision before her heart goes crash boom bang, and that will lead to lotsa time and money wasted..
Should she just wait for her boyfriend and rot while waiting? Should she just maintain the ‘friendship’ with that new guy without being ‘discovered’, although it is going nowhere? What would she do and say if the boyfriend finds out? What happened after she makes the decision to stay with the boyfriend and after that she then finds out he has another girl?
Hahahahhahh…sorry for the mushy entry again, M in a middle to ‘ambik mood’ . Was asked to try to write a malay novel. Genre – L O V E. I asked, “Aiyaa..why love laaa?” Friend said “ Sellable, if not..than Ghost stories”.. Dhang!
Now m actually trying to put an effort to it. First step, I bought a malay novel. 4 days ago..baru four pages baca heheeheeee.
And as for the story above….CRAP!...What the ffffefffkkk!!! Why must women always be the victim of men so called circumstances! ( errr..generally ) hey! even the girl in batman has to…ooops…for those who has watch…you know what..because of men..tragic!.
I guess my answer for my own question for this crappy story I just created is – aiyaaa leave the new guylaaa…stick with the boyfriend and if the boyfriend ‘f**k big time! Leave him also laaa…Get other man to rock your world, if she can live without men, easier..But I know I cant heheheheee. You got any other answer?
Imagine – I crumple a piece of paper and threw it on the floor and start to write again – like a professional writer in the film hahhahahhahah
Whyyy soooo sssssseriousss…
Adoiii..why very warm la nowadays. ,,still smiling tho..;-P eh I need to joker laugh ring tone laaa..where to get?..
And oh by the way, my recent trip, thank you friend…..appreciate it..and m really sorry…