Mundaneo is back...!
dust dust duster duster....
fuuhhh fuhh...too much dust in here ;-)
..dear mundaneons, mundaneo had a looooong break from the blogging world..the longest..i ever had..busy?..not really..heeeheee
..nothin' special....beside 'works'..a handful of social activities took place since my last entry... celebrations, entertainments, trips.... will be visitin' u guys soon!
When the school breaks begins... we went to the legendary island...twas a company trip. Never been in a 'bas persiaran' before with a 9 hours journey...not thing not-good..twas super duper freezing...!! and we were not prepared for it!

Around a week after that.. twas my birthday..since my other half postponed the sorta family celebration.. i decided to go to PD with a very good friend of mine..thanks for the company dear ;-).. spotted a gorgeous twin rainbow on the way back

Then, cuzs and frens, belanja me dinner at a steamboat restaurant..thanks peeps!... Appreciate it..thanks for the gift ;-)
During the weekend..other half, with the kids, cuz and a friend.. brought us to Gr@ndMilennium hotel, where my BIL works..for a very nice buffet, surprised me with the singing and the cake. Thanks darlin'.. i ate a lot of mexican food..since i have not been having it for quite sometime..fabulous buffet there. and Aimee..thanks for the walnut brownies cake..fantastic!

During Aidiladha.... the weather was so gloomy..and definitely a good day to sleep ;-).. we dont really celebrate..altho we had a couple of invitations from friends. We had lunch at C0zyC0rner Ge M@ll..settled a few things and went back home and sleep ;-).Recently, theres this new JJ at Seti@wangsa.. we went there to check it out..very interesting place. Had a restaurant ..besides IZzi..not recommended...expensive and not so tasty..

..And as for the landslide in BA... i felt sorry for the victims, a few friends and family had to go through a lot of hassles. Tragedy recurrance... ish malas nak cakaplah..this developer and local authorities... i hope this time is for REAL laaaa...the no-more-development on hillsides..
Went to checkout the sites..later that evening..

and for the picca offence. I am stayin very near to this place, even my place i dont consider safe 100%...and this property advert caught my eye.. at the junction towards BA.." Udara 50% lebih nyaman" ( air 50% fresher ).. yeah right..and soil 50% softer..closer to God..
It is not easy for a lot of people there to move out, its a major decision..
oh well..

.....and ayska grew a 'tree' her sorta school holiday project
Ada jugak gambar gua terselit kat situ. Anyway, I like JJ setiawangsa.. sebab dekat ngan rumah...
hehe..nanti gua tampal kat fb aaa...baru tgh rajin nih..
bole aa jogging p place to lepak la there
waaaaaaaaaaa..full of gempaq stories and actvities...
welcome back!
not so gempaq la....end of da year kinda thing.
yeah m back
welcome back !!!!
banyak xtvt yerr .....
Welcome back! ;-)
woah! skali hapdet berderet2 aktiviti nya... welcome back to the blogging world...
lily: itulah..copin with life ;-)
wafa: thanks bro!
Mr1: itulah, sebulan lebe punya citer. thanks man
wah.. so many activities. hehe..
you went to Langkawi? I love that island. The Tun Mahathir's gallery is also amazing. Love how round the building is..
Secondly, happy belated bupday to you.. hehe..
50% fresh air? How they come out with the number? Why not 70% or 80%? They scientifically calculated it?? haha
I live near a hill, but the only thing I afraid is not the landslid, but the animals. Oh, and I think the air is 78% fresher than in the ads above. Hehehe
Glad you're back!
Whoa...conoknye! You've been bz, babe! Sekali update, tu diaa.... Good to have you back! (macam la aku ni pun aktif meng-update semenjak 2menjak ni kan...)
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