..When i was in Ipoh to attend a course, i wrote about the inconveniences of getting the roadside parking ticket. So the second time i was there about 5 days before raya, I made an effort to look for the parking tickets ( just for the fun of it, since i cant eat during lunch break ). After enquiring, the shop that sells the parking ticket its just behind the place that i attended the course in. .and it looks like this lah..oooo...the 'scratch-win-thingy' kinda ticket..where we had it like about 10 years ago in PJ.... Its 60 sens per ticks, but you hafta buy it in a booklet.. so, i had 'fun' scratching it without winning anything ;-p

This time i went alone to Ipoh, had to do 140-150kmh to and from Ipoh witha musicplayer's fullblast volume..if not i will be dead bored and sleepy. The course i attended were a two days course. After the first day, i decided to drive around. First, I went to my late grandmother's place, where, when i was small i will be there every school holidays to accompany her, i was her favourite granddaughter lah ( hehe..i think )..she got 45 grandchildren...i am the daughter of her youngest only daughter of 9 siblings..the one and only. The house is now rented by dono who, and it is sad to see that the house is not well maintained, it looked soo much better than this. There is suppose to be two very bushy rambutan trees there ( used to climb the tree to pluck ), now sudah togel..sigh.. Then i went on taking picts of the lane i used to walk to go to the nearest sundry shop... I think, in one day i went two or three times...beli kunyit la, beli asam jawa la, beli cabai la..etc the things that she has just realized that it was out-of-stock just before she starts cooking. One thing good, she gives extra sens for me to buy sweets or icecreams. Evening, she will sometimes asked me to buy the nicest most delicious gebu'es putu piring and putu mayam. Miss, Opah, she passed away at the age of 83 or 85 (dono for sure, as her bc doesnt indicate the real date), 10 years ago.

Then after that, i went to the shopping complex where i used to go with my cousins to buy real cheap cheap cassettes..Kompleks YikF00ng. The music shop is no more there, and so is SuperKinta..Nin! the superkinta is no more there!...baru tau daa..(one of the pic caption ; theres somethin funny about the motorbike..i had to take pict of it hehe)

And at 1800hrs, Ipoh is MegaJAMMM!!...my goodness..i think..this town or 'city' is too small for the 'expanding' amount of local motorists. Then i decided to stop over at the IpohParade, dowanna drag myself in the jam. While waiting for breaking fast time, i window-shopped. Finally, i found a music shop that still sells old old cassettes!..i bought 6 of the most 'nostalgic' ones ;-p at rm20..hehe..still have the player. Got myself buy-one-free-one lipstics at rm16 at W@tsons. Buy some stuffs for the kids. Altho most things here are at a very reasonable price but I think the clothes in KL is much cheaper than in Ipoh, and of course i didnt buy any. Stop over at SushiKing to eat..alone..ate very fast hehe..Back to my room...wanted to sleep..but syokla plak layan TheGreenMile movie..altho i've watched it before, while 'munching' non-stop till i dozed off..
Ipoh is still my hometown, altho very very seldom now i am there..
Nak makan Nasi Ganja
waaa..selalu nya balik kg sekarang nih..hehehe
kannn..tetiba jerr...org kg tau aku p sana senyap2 habih aku..hehehe
Kat Melaka pun masa pergi hari tu masih " gores dan menang"
Tiap kali lalu Ipoh rasa klasik sgt, kenapa ye?
Building dia kot
oo kat melaka pon ye, Ipoh maintain dia punya serenity and the people there are quite relax..tapi sudah jam wo
lama x g ipoh
last week EA ade kat ipoh ...
wah...down the memory lane nampak...hehehe
i dah ucap selamat hari raya belum? rasa lama x datang kat sini...
Nothing replaces the memories we have at our grandma's house.
We used to stay at my grandma's during school hols too, in Taiping.
Played hop-scotch on the sandy gardens with my cousins, watched grandma feed the chickens, sleep on wooden platforms.
Our highlight was when the man will come on a bicycle-stall selling sweets and junk food, and we all got 20sen to buy something.
Good old times...
I like ipoh... amoi manyak cantekk wooo... hehehe...
lily: EA?
smurfet: ooo..u also got opah...soon we will be opah too
waliz: abih tu..kene letak memori kat sini..kalo tak luper dah heheh..dah ucap kot..i pon lama dah tk dtg sini hehehe
kin: yeah those kind of memories lingers, the good time, easygoin, always the best time of our life. wish i can be a kid forever. but then when we were little we wish we are grownups
Mr1: oh yessssssssssssss...haha
nostalgia, eh?
down on memory lane ;-)
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