It has been a while again... waiting for the mood to write here...well..twas the PMS lah...since i gave birth to my first child...(check out the days i have been a mom above)... i have problem with my PMS - well not a major problem..but compared to before ( no obvious signs - seriously - even pimples)... few days before PMS i starts to feels sleepy..tired...and i is coming..and during my PMS - my body starts aching..and the mood...aiyahhh...only now i understand what ppl means by the PMS mood..hmmph..maybe the 'hormonial' changes plus aging plus stress plus lack of vitamins plus ... oh..well...look at the bright side...PMS means...'no-preggy'...a relief actually..hehe..since we dont want anymore babies...err...yet...errr...CMON MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!...ok nono nono more...
..and the news about parents murdering their own children..has 'awfully' disturb me!!! ... makes me cry..makes me shiver... esp when i look at the picture of them in the news... I wish they dont show it either on tv or in the news paper....ban! this kind of photos!!!.. couple of years about people raping and killing another shocking issues!!!
Who to blame???!!! What the toot happen in this world..esp in Malaysia...where we are more soft...compromise...not so violent...compared to some developed countries... I guess Krista
( my friend ) is right...we do now need a lottttts of psychologist, councillors aka shrink is that how it is spelled..or is it shrimp..heh..whatever... I'm still sad about it...the mother must have lost all her doing that...just becoz the husband has anotha woman... wait a minute..hmm..the husband also no sense also lah...gatal sangat.. but but...domestic problem like this..susah mau cerita laaa... i think if the wife has enuf money she would have just let go of that unappreciative and useless kind of husband... she would just run away with the children leave everything behind.. leave the neighbours and the family who obviously not killing will take place, but - well...people are so busy with their own problem.. and also busy just talking about other people problem... without knowing that your closest neighbour/friend/relative actually seriously needs help...people are also afraid to interfere on other people marriage problem - .... et cetera et cetera et cetera...i can only assume... i dont know the whole issue...but killing your own a sin that can 'eat' u up.... she needs help...i can bet, she will be a mad person...unless she gets enuff support...from everybody...and for the husband...kalau ikut hati i... " Golah marry that woman...your wife has gone crazy...go!go!go! "...i admit..m biased and my perception could be very narrow towards him.I guess generally i am emotionally "inspired" of this issues of husbands havin an affair (..hmm wives also..but low percentage compared to husbands )..too many cases...too many nowadays...too many..................
and the result....children has to face it...i could only...tell myself..they are now resting in peace in heaven...they are now happier there...(...sob...sob )
As promised..
While I was in Genting Highlands... we manage to enter The Ripley Believe it or not display..err..manage?,,well we cant get into the Snow place - as babies are not allowed ( save around rm60 there ) and of course the Haunted House ( in Ripleys, Ayska is already shivering - haunted house..nahh )
Anyways, at the entrance of the Ripleys there are this one big mammoth and the tallest man in the world and a giant pipehead that has water flowing down but the pipehead didnt link to any pipes.. well ok...nothing great..entered - some weird picts..and Tun Mahathir's accessories/clothes/photos ..huh?..why is his things in Ripley's err...err... not sure about that..maybe to show how extraordinary he is.
Of course this display bore the kids..and so we walk faster then my other half who is reading every single thing he saw,, not until we came to a place where they have this hood and the real door of the old english prison and the type of things they used to torture the inmates - this is where i shivers... uuuu... i can feel the 'present'...wanted to read about it but at the same time also wanted to walk away from it... - and then there was this wooden and steel chair that has many pointed sharp wood on it, next came the coffin of an ancient mexican for babies..( i only write the things that i remember ) and the ancient coffin-man-look-alike and all kinds of ancient coffins from all over the world - yikes man - I dont like this place.. and of course the 'mummy' both human and animals, the little little ghost which they call jinglots and toyols [ in an empty bottle - of course u cant see it lah - unless u have 'special effect' gifted to your eyes ;-) ] but I dont think these are real things ..but looks real...
Those are the scary stuff.. the unique and weird one are picts and patung of people with three eyes, with tanduk, the siamese twins of human and animals..and the chair that made of matches and they put a lot of bricks on it - proving that it is intact - the balls that made of rubberbands, an art made of toasted bread.. loads of a few surprises...ok-lah informative and entertaining..
about casino...
once...about 20 years and my family managed to enter the casino in you know...only non-muslim allowed to be in there..but i have an uncle ( my mother's second cousin ) works there as one of the manager..heehee..*blink*blink* ( arwah dah dia )....of course we only tried the slot machines....put in 20 back rm4...then greedy...put in some more play play... and then at the end...i lose all the money...hehe... hmmm 20 sen punnn GCT nak..only for fun..but my experience was watching the people playing with the chips and the real money at the table..roulette jack la.....looking at them playing it with loads and loads of money no attempt to stop..maybe until they got lucky...ironically...they know not many got lucky but still many comes to gamble...that has proof the 'hantu' of gambling.. i knowlah...i become the 'hantu' even for the 20 sen... ;-P
Labels: life, personal thoughts