Why do i like MY house part 2
Why do i like my house part one is here, which is not mine..and how i wish..
While waiting for breakfast time this is what i did....normal sights during rainy season. No, its no smoc...;-)
The view from my place...the fog..and its cold ovarheeya..
..the fog finally dispersed..'clouding' my place ;-P
eee...sejuk..pagi2 gerimis..
tarik simutlah....
OMG!! where's your house? on hilltop, I think?
Bes nye kalau ade rumah camni. My house in johor was supposed to feel like this. People who were visiting us like to open their windows, but you know what, there are many mosquitoes too! Living in a jungle.. There is a good and bad. sigh...
k.jie: ni bukan pagi nih..ni senja..kalu pagi lagilaaa..susah giler nak bangun hehehe...excuses..
joseph: hi! Welcome!...yeah hilltop..the hill is part of banjaran titiwangsa..somewhere 'underneath' the fog is the national zoo..;-P
bcd: supposed to? good business for hunters *wink*. They say bela ikan kurang nyamuk ;-)
My house also few days back, woke to a very,very unusually cold morning. Looked outside and saw thick fog. Rasa mcm tak pecaya! Haven't seen that around in ages! And I'm not even anywhere near any highlands.
yeah! but yr place is quite near to a bit of forest kan? this time the kinda very the liat to bangun the tido kinda season hehhehe
free natural aircondition hehe..cepatla built yr greamhome..i want to lepak there tooooo...;-)
Wahhhh.. so nice la sis...the fresh air..phewww....me kinda missed my kampong! Hmm...will be there for Raya, hopefully, Insya Allah.. :)
Hmmm..kalau tido ni mesti best kan..petang2 sambil baring kat beranda or bawah pokok (bukan pokok yang ada buah kelapa) sambil2 tu dengar bunyi burung2 ke..best best!
tido pagi petang best hehehe..pokok yg ada buah durian pon takleh...buah anggur chun gak hehhee
whoa! sejukĀ² macam neh... lepak lak dalam hot tub! bestnye!!!
laaa..i takdak la hot tub..hehhee
bestnya kalau dapat rumah gitu.. memang fresh everyday :)
yeah very fresh to sleep hehheheeee
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