Killin time..

ive been attending courses courses courses...dhang! is not that i really wanna attend..but hafta abide to THE rules and regulations of the industry that i am in...
So, i was bored....took the handsome trainer picca...hahahah
Then during break time..cannot eat...jalan jalan...decided to talk to some animals. Went to the petshop..talked to the mega expensive animals they are selling there...well, since i cant afford to buy or even take care of them... Had conversation with the cute puppy ( which didnt feel like talking to me ), the little bunny ( same, ignored me), the 'g@rfield' ( typical - told me he is bored and he wants to sleep till the next meal time [this one..seriously remind me of someone heheheeee] ), and hey the fishes do talk to me...'dory' and 'nemo dan rakan rakan'. The starfish..err..cant see their not talkin to them.

..then..dono what else to anotha 10 minutes before i checked back i went to the building sorta-the building kinda-verandah-roof..whatever ( not trying to jump off.. )...snap snap...sengih kat kakak yg tengah sapu sampah ;-B

..inilah kerje kalu boring..coba teka di mana?, i bagi duit raya rm2 ( for people who knows where i work..cannott answer hhehehe) - lawak2 yg tak berapa gaban d akhir bulan September. some more piccas of "when-m-bored-attending-courses" later...
Selamat hari raye gak! Hehe.. :D
I love pets! tapi.... tak suka bela sebab leceh dan I ni malas sangat.. and tak suka beli sebab rasa membazir aje.. suka tengok aje.. aci ke gitu? they bring peace to my mind :)
nak teka? tak tahu laa.. sebab I'm not familiar dengan KL area at all. Tapi... RM2 ye.. takpelah, I let gi je sebab nak beli petrol 1 liter pun tak cukup hehehe.. but of course, boleh beli cempedak goreng 2 3 ketul... sedapnyaaaa!!! nak duit tak yah teka boleh tak? hehee..
smurfet: only creative minded people do weird stuffs when they're bored heheee ;-P. Ok bring Kaka to me or bring Kaka to me..hehe
bcd: Kim salam owang Johor ;-)
neez: exactly they will incur somesort of peacefulness...tapi bab bab..membersih tu yg lece tu...
Heheee..haah kan tak sampai satu liter, takper nanti u balik malaya i belanja cempedak goreng hehheeee
Normi, Let me guess but make sure that particular "duit raya" will be paid as Pound Sterling 2...
The answer is Gerat Eastern Building Jalan Ampang. aka Great Eastern Mall.
selamat hari raya to you :D
hi nizammm: alaaa..tak aci aaa pound sterling ;-) Selamat Raya!!!
eylla; maap zahir batin ;-)..ntah bila ntah kita nk jumpa...
selamat hari raya kak neome !!
Selamat Hari Raya
Maaf Zahir dan Batin
lily: Selamat raya lily darling!
Adam: Selamat Hari Raya 2u2! May it be as jolly as here in Malaya ;-)
selamat hari raya aidil-fitri...
How your first day of hari raya? hehe
Mr1: maaf zahir batin bro!
bcd: my first day of raya was super hectic! brrrr
lain kali bawak I dengan SD gerenti tak boring... tapi gerenti BOROI.
boroi dan hepi takpa hehe...pastu kene attend kursus mengempis perowt heheeeee
Normi.... Is my answer is correct or not?
..aiya..told oledi..ppl who knows where i work kenot answer laaa..hehhe
omg! those pets are damn cute. can i pinch the garfield's cheek hard? hehe i hate course too. too boring sometimes. salam aidilfitri. where's my duit raya?
cute kan..u can pinch it anywhere u want if u manage to askd the workers to let u hold it lah hehee..
Courses wont be boring if trainer is not..
Duit raya ka..bleh bleh..meh sini amik..
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