..was in Bukit Jalil Bazaar, followed my other-half to meet his friend, who open up a booth selling some mix and match stuffs for raya. My other-half also plans to sell some stuffs there which i am not sure what. So while we were roaming around the area ( which was quite empty as it is too early for people to shop during ramadhan ), i found a place to 'ease'. It was the feet-fish-spa-therapy thingy. First time for me, very very very ticklish when

the tiny fishes started to nibble my feet ( they say they eat the dry 'unwanted' skin)..after a while i got use to the ticklish nibbling process and enjoyed it. It actually cured my headache and lessen my knee pain...seriously. Theres times when i terstep on the fishes and they were cutely trying to wriggled themselves out hehehheee..i enjoyed that too! not trying to kill them though hehe..

I am so need to experience it again..like the whole body hehehehee...mesti geli kan...i heard theres spas somewhere in KL provide the therapy, according to my other half la..he went already...hmmmm
hehe that does sound kinda geli... i suppose i'd be up for trying that if it's around whenever it is I'm heading back to KL for visit (NOT going to be for Raya Posa, that's for sure dah...)
i really want to experience it also but seremban dont have this thing yet..and some place call it 'Dr. Fish'...sound better right?
i bet your feet feels smooth and silky now...:D
i am still dont get the opportunity to try it out..
musti best kannn..
lynne: yeah why dont we go and try together gether hehhehe..see you after raya then , whenever it is heheh
waliz: Dr Fish!!! yeah sounds better...kena google tuh. yeah my feet were shiny, silky, smooth and after that itchy..improvement of blood flows i suppose ehehehe
eylla: jom jugak p fish spa, pastu gossip gossip..wajibbbb hehehe..eh bulan posa heheh
alaa..they wont bite you lah..they tickle only and make you giggle, which is good for your face too hehehe
ok ok ok..lets go to the real spa ;-)
try to go the fish spa in MidValley & there's also one in Pavillion...
the fact is i like it!
Really!!! thanks thanks must go and check it out! Im sure i like it too ;-P
sampai hati you pijak ikan comel tu.. hehehe.. kalau I pun terpijak jugak kot..
baguslah kalau boleh hilangkan headache.. agaknya dia macam massage tapak kaki kan..
nak try gak lah nanti :)
habih dah geli den hehhee..lebih kurang laaa macam massage...moh kita try ;-)
omg! you stepped on the fish ke? kejam hehe...
i want to try... but can't find one in penang ler... :(
eh ada! ada! There i google it for you already
Address : No. 102-A-05, New World Park, Jalan Burmah, 10050 Georgetown, Penang.
Contact Number : (604) - 229 6916
Website : www.fishspa.gosh.com.my
E-mail : info@fishspa.gosh.com.my
hehe! check it out ;-)
Actually I first saw in it Midvalley and thought it fascinating, but have not gotten round to try it.
Ok, now I must set a date. Hehehe..
yeah u should kin and tell me about it hehehee
Bes nye.. I am still waiting for someone to belanja me on this one. People said the fishes will leave a good tickling feeling on your toes, isn't it?
yeah it makes u giggle..good therapy for stress-out people, meh sini i belanja heheheeee
I nak jugak lah!! It must be very geli-geli kan.. haiyooooo.. else I wud giggle all day for that ticklish feeling! Hmm.. how long does it take for the fish to finish 'eating' the feet? Hmmm... maybe wanna try it sometime in Oct...soon! hehe..
geli geliman gak aa for the first 10 mins,,pastu ok. As long as you put in your feet..until all the unwanted skin cleared..not sure how long..i guess it'll take forever for my feet ahahahaha..try try
whoa! thanks for the info! will check it out... er, maybe after fasting month? :P
hehheeee...welkam!..now oso cannn
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