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May 22, 2008

We belong together.....

It begins in land so radiant and free
The part of the world name came from a tree
Building spirit, strong as it can be
The wise ruler has created a key

To let the ground set to be seen

Became a legend for you and me

Thou the land of dreams has come true
His excellency were proud with the view
Growing and rejoicing people too

A point of quest has bloom like a flower
For people who wants to share the tower
Like there is no stop at every hour

Part of the lyrics i created for the show...

Part of the script... of A Case of Belonging - A story of the beginning of a spice route from Melaka. The evolvement of the economy and the era , spreading to Johore. Until we gained our Independence till present. The play is for the World Congress of IT @ Berjaya Times Square, attended by delegates from all over the world.

Scene 1

" Bendahara, what is the name of this tree "
( *wink* to eddy )

" I believe it is call Melaka your highness "


Scene 2

The Arab, Chinese and Indian traders came to greet the Sultan of Melaka


The Portuguese, the Dutch and the Brits came.

Sultan moves to Johor. Adopting the Kangchu system.

" We have gained our Independence!" "MERDEKA!"


Scene 3

Catwalk on different era...

Then the present...

Final Dance...

Distinguish Malaysia
Preeminent in Asia
Ultimate Desire
Distinguish Malaysia
Preeminent in Asia

It ended with a boom and loud applause.....

Twas a glorious performance. A great teamwork from the production crews. The dancers and actors were excellent. An outrageous experience. Thank you Lina for the opportunity... although i felt like strangling you are superb ya..muahxxx! Thanks also to my partner in crime ;-) I felt like strangling u too hehehe.. further instruction...if i were to not remain anonymous, it is too late, u have posted the entry...muaahahaha..

Still dreaming about the play.
Slept for 1 1/2 days..after everything is done...



.. and more picts to come at the Backstage and Gala nite session @ New$ktv...stay tuned



Blogger Siti Blogger said...


See? Despite all the obstacles before the show, it went well, didn't it? Good for you! Like I said before during our little chat, now you can laugh about it! Hehehe...

It look like one hell of a memorable night!

Congrats again!

Fri May 23, 11:20:00 am GMT+8  
Blogger neomesuff said...

Thank you darling ..mmwahh...u did give me words of encouragement..yre right we did laughed about it...we all have sworn to be one big family foh-evah, well although some of us are actually family heehee...
thanks loads!...

Fri May 23, 12:55:00 pm GMT+8  
Blogger Nazhatulshima N said...


Would love to see this but I guess this is just a one time show, or will there be another show?

I like the lyrics too. You are so talented.

Sun May 25, 03:07:00 pm GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

kak.gee letak la link eddy dlm blog kak.gee.. eddy dah letak link kak.gee... sweet tak..huhuh

Sun May 25, 07:24:00 pm GMT+8  
Blogger neomesuff said...

shima: Tenkiuks, it could possibly be another show, see if we're lucky ;-)

just knew my talent pon hehehe..thanks anyway

eddy: awat hang anonymous, kan ke dah ada blog... well ive already put your link on the entry..will put on my side bar keh...mwahhhxxx mr parameswara.

Sun May 25, 07:44:00 pm GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOWWWW babe,hidden talent ehhhh...u better dig out now what else u can do, you'll never know eh...... enuff sleep sudah???

Wed May 28, 11:30:00 pm GMT+8  
Blogger neomesuff said...

digging digging..hehe...still not enuff laaa...the without disturbance one...

Thu May 29, 03:43:00 am GMT+8  
Blogger bluecrystaldude said...

wah.. love the lyric.. it seems like a very memorable night.. bukan senang nak berlakon.. pasni leh ar blakon teater plak? hehe

Sat Jun 07, 01:19:00 am GMT+8  
Blogger neomesuff said...

thank you!

who you? or me?..i mmg kenot acting..hehe

Sat Jun 07, 01:15:00 pm GMT+8  

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