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June 14, 2006


..Makan bola, Tidur Bola, Mandi bola...

This football craze has unite the world to talk about the football topic, even for those who dont watch and not interested will ask people the next morning who scores , whats the result. The problem with us Malaysians is we usually have to make an effort to stay up at night till morning to watch THE WORLD CUP as most of the games venue is in Europe. When they had in Japan Korea at least canlah watch during the day..and during the day pulak office hours for the football fans they had to take leave to watch football. So same...Football during the day ke, during the night ke, this event will 'encourage' people to not go to work. or go to work..and 'dream'.

But I personally feel that Malaysians are not sooo fanatic over it, we can still behave while watching football anywhere we are, compared to the Europeans, some are capable to act violent towards the other team supporters. Last season a referee was shot dead just because he was not fair to the Italian team. imagine how fanatic. Underdogs are always the favourite one, if they win, and when the more high rank team lose to them fuhhh malu besar, and they will like kena kutuk big time.

The World Cup fever is actually very entertaining. boys and girls get together at mamak restaurant 24jam ( their sales can shoot up 200%) or any gerai that has small screen, big screen tv.. sure have spectators. The only bad thing about it, is when some bets with a huge amount of money...

Im trying to watch as many games as I could but for this first few days it end up football watching me.. hehe..

Wonder wonder stevie wonder - when can our team qualified for the world cup..can aah..ever..God knows..

Makan bola Tidur bola Mandi bola